The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened Page 4
“Are you certain about that?” Grim Reaper Odom asked.
“Yeah, I count thirty too,” Avani agreed.
“So do I,” Yuka said.
Kaska finished counting before nodding. “Thirty drawings. I think that’s our answer.”
“Interesting.” Grim Reaper Olana rubbed her chin. “You’re the only ones who said there were thirty drawings on this piece of paper...”
“Well, aren’t there?” Yuka asked.
“Yes, there are thirty drawings. But to any other apprentice, there would be only twenty-six. The remaining four are only visible to the four Guardians of the Underworld. Those four are…”
“A ring, a locket, a rose, and a goblet,” Kaska interrupted. “What does that mean?”
“You know!” Linn gasped. “We never told you about the importance of those objects either! You wouldn’t be able to know if you weren’t…” She looked at the others who were shocked but hiding their expressions better. “I am not going crazy, am I? They are…”
“I believe so. There’s no other way they can know,” Odom said.
“Know what?” Tessa asked, still not sure where all this was leading. “Did we do something wrong?”
“On the contrary, you said everything we expected you to say. We had been thinking about it for a while, but this confirms our suspicions. You are exactly what we thought you would be.”
“And what is that?”
“You are the next guardians of the Underworld,” Olana said. There was silence and stunned stairs all over the place. “Are you surprised by this?”
“How does seeing thirty pictures make us the next guardians of the Underworld?” Avani asked.
“It’s because these pictures are special.” Odom nodded. “Only the four guardians would be able to know that and see them. These items are special because they belong to four of our Underworlds rivers: Lethe, Acheron, Cocytus, and Phlegethon. Do you remember the story we told you a long time ago?
“About the siblings who tempted fate and became the rivers of the Underworld? You might have told us that once or twice,” Kaska said sarcastically. “I know those items belonged to the siblings, but I thought that was a fairytale. I didn’t know they existed.”
“Well, we never said they existed. Their items exist,” Olana said. “And those items will rightfully be yours someday, as will all of the Underworld. By the time Avani is forty, you will be able claim it and all the souls that live there. You will be Death, ready to take souls and lives.”
“Nothing for Styx is here,” Yuka said, noting the longest river in their Underworld. “There’s nothing for Eridanos or Alpheus either.”
“The item of Styx remains a mystery to all. The same goes for the other two. Their powers aren’t easy to obtain and not everyone can master them,” Grim Reaper Linn said. “But that is something we will get to when the time comes. This, I think, is proof enough that you are our successors. We have determined your lines from this box.” She showed them a jeweled box that also had several items in it.
“These are items that come from Grim Reapers of the past. We asked you to pick three of them. Anyone who picked three items that belonged to one single demon was that demon’s successor. Yuka, the day you took out all of Sebastian’s things made me realize you belonged to us. No one else has done this. No one else but a successor would do this. The same goes for the rest of you. You are in my line. You follow Sebastian, myself, Grim Reaper Taya, and so forth.”
“So you know this for a fact?” Yuka asked. “You are certain that it’s not someone else, Grim Reaper Linn?”
Lynn nodded, and then added, “Positive. A piece of all of our souls are in you girls. We made sure that everything lined up before we told you. I know it’s a little early to tell you and Avani, but you’re so close with the others that we felt you could handle it.”
“I still think it might have been too early,” Salvador said. “We could have waited two years.”
“I feel like they are mature enough to understand and handle the responsibilities laid out before them,” Odom said. “The Master has said so as well. If the girls themselves think they are ready, then I say we should get started.”
“Get started with what, Grim Reaper Odom?” Tessa asked.
“Your training! To be a Grim Reaper, you need to know and understand the Underworld very well. You need to be able to balance this world and that one. More importantly, you should know what the Underworld and five rivers are made of. They will be under your control, after all. You need to know their powers, including how to keep them from ever stopping flowing. If they stop, the world will fall into chaos. You must never let that happen.”
“Yes, Grim Reaper Odom.” Kaska bowed to him. “I promise I’ll work hard.”
“Me too,” Avani agreed.
“Same here,” Tessa chimed in with a bow.
“So will I,” Yuka added. They all bowed in unison again.
“I know you won’t disappoint us,” Olana said. “It’s not us that I’m worried about anyway. Ever since demons have been spotted by humans, they’re becoming more wary. Groups of demon slayers are slowly growing. I can’t remember how many demon slaying organizations are out there now, but you all need to keep an eye open and not trust any humans with your secrets.”
“We rarely interact with humans anymore, Grim Reaper Olana,” Avani said. “I don’t even talk to any of the girls that are in the shows or campaigns with me. Just a simple ‘hi’ or whatever. I never get into what my life is about.”
“And that’s good. You don’t know which models are humans and which ones aren’t. For your sake, it’s best to keep such things secret.” She looked behind Avani at the clock on the wall. “Well, I think we have taken up enough of your time. You should go and share this news with your masters. They had a hunch, but this will make everything official.”
“So our masters are going to teach us everything?”
“It’s usually how these things go.” Salvador nodded. “Normally I wouldn’t get you started on your training so early, but the guys want to get some stuff done before they go the Underworld. Plus you feel closer to them over anyone else. I was wondering why, but now it makes sense. The Chosen Guardians know their own. Their souls are in you, as are ours and every Grim Reaper prior to us. You are part of history now. You will go down in demonic history.”
“I don’t know how I feel about that…”
“It seems overwhelming but trust me; it’s going to get better. As the days go by, you’re going to get used to all of this.”
“Yeah but everything’s changed now,” Kaska said. “I’m not just Kaska anymore. I get a title now. More than that, my life is going to be over quicker than I thought.”
“You’re not going to die, Kaska,” Odom said. “Just relax and let your masters help you harness these powers. I guarantee it will make more sense as time goes by.”
“How long is it going to take?” Avani asked. “When will we know that we’re ready to be Grim Reapers?”
“It varies.” Olana nodded. “Some realize it very quickly. Others take their time. But when you know, you will know. That’s all I can say about that really.”
She knew that Olana couldn’t explain the feeling, but it still left her disappointed. “I guess we’re just going to see where all of this leads.”
“That would be a good idea,” Odom agreed. “Now you go off and tell your masters, though I’m sure they’ve already figured this out, they would probably like some confirmation.”
“Yeah, I guess we can tell them.” Yuka got up. “Thank you. We’ll let them know what happened.”
“Take care of yourselves, girls. Don’t try anything reckless.”
“Or try anything at all,” Tessa muttered.
Salvador heard her. “I know it doesn’t sound like much fun right now. You’re still young. You just learned the truth today. Training will take a lot out of you. There will be a lot that you won’t understand, but your masters will be righ
t there with you. They will be your guides and show you what all your powers can do.”
“I know, but it doesn’t make us any less nervous,” Kaska said. “I don’t know if I like the idea of leaving everyone and everything I love behind. I don’t know if I can be a guardian or take care of the Underworld. I’m just a girl.”
“So you think,” Odom said. “Remember, girls, every single Guardian was once just a boy or girl. They didn’t get their powers overnight. In fact, they worked hard to be well-known and respected. Only then did they realize they belonged to the Underworld. Give it a few more years and you’ll see what I mean.”
I don’t know if I can. Kaska thought, but didn’t say out loud. The girls bowed once more before the Grim Reapers allowed them to leave. As they were walking out, Linn turned to the other three Reapers with questions.
“Do you think we’re moving too fast? We usually don’t tell anyone the truth until they are at least sixteen years old. Sure, it’s right to tell Kaska and Tessa, but Avani and Yuka are only fourteen. This is a lot to take in.”
“I realize that, but I think they can handle it. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling it’s better to tell them altogether than separately,” Olana said. “They’re always hanging with the same crowds, so the word would have spread to them soon anyways. We might as well save them the trouble of finding out from other sources.”
“True. But are they even ready to take on these responsibilities? You saw how they looked when we told them the truth. It’s like they wanted to hear anything but that.”
“Whether they want to hear it or not isn’t the issue. They have to get used to it,” Odom said. “The time for games and fun is over.”
“Maybe to us, but I don’t think they’ll buy it so easily.” Linn shook her head. “I don’t know, but I’ve got a feeling this will not be an easy road for them. They’re going to deal with a lot more than not having free time. I can sense it.”
Chapter 4
Even though the meeting didn’t last long, the girls felt like the walk back into the garden was taking forever. They were dragging their feet, ignoring all the sounds, focused on what they had heard: Guardians of the Underworld. This was something most demons would have died to be, yet none of them were excited. It felt like someone dropped a bomb on them, and it exploded, leaving nothing but destruction behind. That was nothing to get excited over. They approached Gideon.
“Uh-oh, I never like looks like that on your faces,” Gideon said. “What happened, girls? What did they tell you?”
“Oh, nothing bad,” Avani murmured. “It’s just that…” She slowed and started all over again. They had to bring this up delicately with their new masters. “You know about Guardians of the Underworld, right? They get to be Death after a while and take over when they’re ready?”
“Yeah, I know about the Guardians of the Underworld. There’s always four of them and the order changes every time a new group of guardians are found — four guys, then four girls, and then two of each,” Sebastian said. “Why, what about them?”
“Well, have you wondered who your guardians would be?” Kaska asked. “They would be girls obviously, but do you think that it’s anyone in this place?”
Fabian shrugged. “As far as I know, all the Reaper’s Apprentices that have been found are in this place. What are you trying to say exactly?”
“It’s us,” Tessa said.
“What do you mean?”
“The next Guardians!” Yuka sighed, finally blurting it out. “That’s why they were here, Master Fabian! We’re the next ones in line! We follow you! Don’t you know what this means?”
To her surprise, none of the masters seemed shocked. Gideon went back to fixing the rock garden and Fabian started throwing the chew toy for Oscar to chase. Frustrated, she tried again. “Come on, masters! It’s got to mean something to you!”
“I already knew about this,” Fabian said, as Oscar ran up to him and dropped the chew toy at his feet. “We had our suspicions that you were the ones, but we had to be sure. That’s why we asked for the test that you passed. Not that we thought you would fail.”
“You asked for the test??” Avani asked. “How come you never told us?”
“Well, I figured it would be better if you heard it from Grim Reaper Olana. After all, we’re both in her line now,” Gideon explained. “Plus she’s more experienced than I am. She’s already mastered all her powers, while I still have a while to train. Not to mention, it’s tradition for the current guardians to break the news. That would be her, not me.”
“Oh.” Her mind went back to all the traditions that they had talked about before. The current guardians would be staying in the Underworld until they were called up to reap someone’s soul. They had to keep balance between both worlds and could never be seen interacting with people unless that person was dying. Somehow, the idea of being a guardian wasn’t settling with her.
“I’m not sure if I’m the right demon for this job,” she began.
“Everyone says that.” Fabian shook his head. “You’ll be okay. We’ll teach you what we know, and you’ll be used to your new role in no time.”
“Yeah, but won’t we have time for the other stuff in our lives?” Yuka asked. “We’re still young and want to go to school and hang out and date guys. We just want some of that normal teenage life stuff. You know what I mean?”
“And you’ll get that,” Sebastian promised, standing up. “It does seem like a lot, but you will have time to spend on everything else. I was able to go to college and swim in my free time. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
“I guess it won’t be too bad.” Kaska shrugged. “I mean, we’ll be the most powerful creatures in the world. We’ll be respected and feared by all. It can’t be all that bad.”
“Now you’re thinking more like a demon,” Fabian approved. “It won’t be all that bad, girls. I also had my complaints when I started, but I got used to it. Before you know it, training will be over, and you’ll be unstoppable. You’ll have all the free time in the world to do what you want. Just as long as you remember your responsibilities, of course.”
“Of course.” Tessa nodded, slowly taking a few steps. “Maybe being a Guardian might have more perks than I thought. Grim Reaper Salvador made it sound like my life was over.”
“That’s a Grim Reaper for you! They’re supposed to do that,” Adair joked. “But no, your life is just beginning. It’ll be hard, but I think you’ll grow to like it. Now go and wash up. It’s almost time for dinner.”
Chapter 5
The excitement of being a Guardian only lasted two days. The four of them had each started with trying to harness a different river. Sebastian was trying to teach Yuka all about Phlegethon with its burning flames and boiling blood. While she had enjoyed hearing the description of it, harnessing its powers was not as much fun. Also, she was supposed to be able to make fire, yet she couldn’t produce a thing. The flames came out of Sebastian’s hands with just a snap of his fingers, yet hers produced nothing.
Tessa wasn’t having much luck either with trying to harness Cocytus’ powers. Adair had told her about how cold and icy it was and how she was supposed to act similarly. She had to be able to control water and turn it into ice on will. So far, the water in the glass remained water and nothing more. Kaska was being taught about Acheron and healing, neither of which she had any interest in. Instead, she grew bored and tired of Fabian’s lectures. All she wanted to do was practice her cheers and finish up her art project.
But the one who hated the practices most was Avani. Gideon had been teaching her about Lethe and it was, in her opinion, the most boring of all the rivers. She hated the way it looked, and she hated what it stood for. The power that she would get from it would be to manipulate others. Originally, demons in the past had used it to make others forget, but times had changed that. These days, unscrupulously, they used this power to make people do exactly what they wanted them to do. To make matters worse, she wa
sn’t any good at it. Gideon had started her with bugs to try to make them move at her will. The bugs were more interested in eating the leaves and flowers, than doing what she was asking of them.
The last couple of days had been fruitless. All anyone wanted was a vacation. But their masters weren’t cutting them any slack, instead acting more like drill sergeants. If something wasn’t going right, they would groan and demand the girls start over. If anyone refused or answered back, they were given lectures on how Guardians never caved in or surrendered. The worst were the lectures about how demon slayers would never rest until they were dead. Just hearing the words ‘demon slayer’ was enough to put sides on edge.
“What are we going to do today?” Tessa asked as they gathered in the backyard one morning. Not that she needed to ask. The props had already been set up and everyone looked exhausted. “Don’t tell me it’s more training.”